Support Document


1. Please ensure that you have read and understood our Terms and Conditions at before placing any orders. For support related to existing orders, kindly submit a support ticket.

2. If an order can be canceled through a "cancel" button, you are entitled to an automatic refund.

3. While we strive to accommodate cancellation requests, we cannot guarantee that all orders can be canceled once placed.

4. To expedite support inquiries, please provide the specific action required and your order ID. Avoid general queries as they may delay the resolution process. We have listed common scenarios on the left side of this sheet for your reference.

5. If your order has been canceled, consider the following reasons:

- The profile or post specified in your order was set to public or had age/country restrictions.

- The link provided was incorrect. We recommend verifying links in incognito mode before placing an order.

- High server load might have led to automatic cancellation of your order due to full server capacity.

6. Manual payments will require verification by our Payment Merchants and will be forwarded to our accounting team.

7. We do not offer refills or refunds for services specified as 'no refill'.

8. Please refrain from submitting more than one ticket for the same issue as this will extend the response time.

9. For services related to live streams, watch hours, story views, and post impressions, where statistics are not publicly accessible, screenshots are necessary for support queries.

10. We do not guarantee the appearance of profiles on our platform. Additionally, actions such as unfollowing or unliking are irreversible once executed.

11. This document is designed to facilitate the fastest possible support. Adhering to these guidelines will help us serve you better.

12. It is imperative to maintain respect when interacting with our support team. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of your account.